Thursday, March 22, 2007

Vacation with my parents-- the falls

So the last day we were in Oregon, we went up to the falls. it was really full! but it was nice to go up and see the ole swimmin hole!

here is my ma and I. I figured all the self portrits ive taken, mom and i could take one!

here is the river on the other side of the cliff. its really pretty when the water is full!

Here is a really funny picture! i love it!!!

heres a pic of the falls. its really full of water! those of you who have swam know! but just the sound of the rushin water! I cant wait until swimmin season!!

heres mom goofin around on the rocks! shes so funny!

more pics of the river. so pretty!

and yet another pic of me and mom. we had a blast! i miss her so much!

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