Saturday, December 08, 2007

Rant of the Week!

I hate it when people come to work sick. if you can afford it, then stay home! DO NOT bring that to work. and if you DO decide to get dressed and bring your sick butt to work, STAY away from people. don't share their food, don't get into my "bubble" to talk to me, and WASH your hands. most of all, i hate it when somebody does take the decency to stay home, everyone else at work complains that they are missing work. if i had a nickel for every time i heard "we only work 14 days a month. blah blah blah, you need to come to work" well, id have a buttload of nickels. you don't get to pick and choose when you get sick, so that it comes on your day off. so if you need to take a couple day to recoup, then do it. and those of you who complain that the sick person stayed home, good, because if they come to work sick, they infect everyone else. and then MORE people are out sick. then its a epidemic. so my rant boils down to this. STAY HOME IF YOU ARE SICK, and quit complain about the ones who actually care about other peoples' health. and if the complainers get sick, well, i will laugh at you, so be prepared!


Barb Black said...

Amen! I'm so tired of the coughing and wheezing trying to make it's way into MY bubble! Stay home. Get better. THEN come to work. To be fair, I know some of it is the pressure of needing to earn a living, and some is pressure from non-understanding employers. Attitudes need to change though.

Rant on, R!!!

Nana said...

I agree with both of you, and in my case, these same people are not only in the public, they work with the public...I have been coughed on, coughed at, (I had a bagger sneeze in my grogery bag--yuck), cough into their hand and then opened doors for me, the list goes on and on...I think that people in general need to be more aware of how their sickness will and does affect everyone, not just them. Sharing is one thing, but, keep your frigging germs and viruses to yourself and stay home, damnit!