Wednesday, October 15, 2008

ah, its getting warm again

well, i tried for more posts. This weekend, and this week have been busy. Its also been VERY cold out! we actually had snow here on Friday. That evening i made a delicious dinner for my uncle dave's birthday. We had Caesar salad, Manicotti, and i make my first HOMEMADE apple pie. it was great!
saturday rolled around and we went to have dinner with one of my grandmas. we had the best dinner with her! it was great to sit and chat and catch up with her. She also made us this delicious roast! On sunday we had my nana and grandpa over for Parmesaun chicken. Their birthdays are a little over a week apart, so they had gotten a delicious homeade dinner for their bday. I think my family likes em. it gives us a chance to catch up.
then it was back to work. it has gotten warmer, but its still pretty cold at night. not much else going on here. i am working on christmas stuff still ;) i have all my ideas, just need to get them a rollin.
well, i smell dinner cooking, so i better get going. one more work day to go, then i get a glorious day off!

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