Tuesday, September 04, 2007


We did Alcatraz at night. it was neat but spooky. The night tour gives you a bit more information. The boat also went all the way around the island, so you can see the back side from in the water..

It was FREEZING and windy! people were running in and outside of the boat to get pics and get out of the wind. NOT US THOUGH! we stayed put, Braved the wind, and got the "full effect" here is pics of Joe and Pauli..


The three of us on the "inside"

The Exercise yardAll of us had our hoods up and we were all bundled up. it was so windy, damp and cold!

one of the many pathways and staircases. it was Forbidden for us to go up the stairs..

The water tower

The cell blocks
There are 3 guys that have made an escape attempt and still to the day have not been found.. Their story has been on unsolved mysteries, and they made the movie "escape from Alcatraz" with Clint Eastwood about these guys. Here is one of the dummy heads that they made to fool the guards into thinking that they were asleep in bed. It bought them some time to get a head start on their escape. they had an 8 hour head start...

The tour had a new section open. "the hospital" it was very creepy! gave everyone in our party the creeps... we didn't get any pics of the operating room, but i think my mom did. I will update later with those pictures.. This is the hospital beds section..

And a pic as we were leaving.

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