Tuesday, January 20, 2009

aaah, the joy of sleep

yesterday i slept. and not just slept in, but slept. I got home from work around 8am. I hightailed it straight to bed. (with my book, just in case i woke up, and didnt want to get out of bed) I turned the t.v on, turned the volume down so i could barely hear it (weird how that puts me to sleep)
I dozed off and on all day. I remember waking up, and Trivial Pursuit was on. I remember thinking "grrr, way to early" so i rolled over, snuggled up to my pillow, and went back to sleep. I woke a couple more times, and did the same thing. Finally, around 4:30, I woke up fully, looked at the phone, and there was a message that Joe was on his way home. I shamefully sent him a message that said i was still in bed. Then, i cracked open that book, and put myself to sleep once again... I woke when he came upstairs, and luckily, he just wanted to go to bed. So, we were cozied up in bed by 7:30. And we slept. all night.
i guess what i am getting at, was that yesterday i was probably the most lazy person of the day, but you know what? it felt good. it felt great actually! today i feel refreshed and ready to take on ANYTHING (i better be, becuase i have to go to the dentist) So i guess what im trying to say, is that once in awhile, a bunch of sleep will do a body good.

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